Integrated Systems

DCL specializes in custom solutions for plug and play integration of advanced emissions control and heat management systems into your operations. Our approach focuses on delivering efficiency and ease of installation, ensuring your systems are up and running with minimal downtime.

Custom Solutions Include:

Custom Skids: Pre-assembled units designed for quick integration of modular heat exchangers, SCR systems, or engine cooling circuits.

Piping Integrations: Engineered piping solutions that fit your specific layout, ensuring precise yet simple installation.

Logos and Branding: Incorporate your branding and see it on your project from design to fabrication to installation.

Plug and Play Connections: Simplifies electrical and fluid connections, reducing installation complexity and time.

The DCL Advantage

Our commitment at DCL is to provide solutions that not only meet the highest standards of emissions control and heat recovery but also align with your operational needs for simplicity and efficiency.

Custom Designs

Every solution is designed with your specific requirements in mind, from system design to branding.

Easy Installation

Our custom skids and plug and play connections ensure your system can be integrated quickly and efficiently.

Expert Support

DCL’s team of experts is available to guide you through the installation process, ensuring seamless integration into your existing operations.

Evercor Heat Exchangers

Opting for DCL’s Evercor heat exchangers means investing in top-tier technology backed by decades of expertise in emissions control and energy efficiency. Our focus on the heat exchanger product line reflects the growing opportunities and our commitment to providing solutions that meet the stringent requirements of modern energy systems.

SCR, Oxycat & Silencer

Pump Skid with Integrated HX
and Cooling Circuit

SCR HX Oxycat and Silencer System

Get In Touch

Tell us about your project and it’s requirements and our team will respond to your request.